Living FAQ: Project Pandora

This is a quick and dirty stand in for a proper living FAQ, just so folk have somewhere to ask questions and get answers 🙂

Q = Question

A = Answer

D = Discussion.

I’ll start by answering the ones that Donner posted on another item.

Q: Can a Corporation model reaction fire at a Veer-myn that moves into a square adjacent to him? Say the Veer-myn has dodged and is trying to move back into position.

A: No, you cannot reaction fire at a model in a square adjacent to a Corporation model. See the fourth paragraph on page 6.

However, in your example, if the Veer-myn had dodged away to a non-adjacent square before dodging back, you could have reaction fired against it in the square it originally dodged to. That is, assuming you thought to do it before he continued his movement.

D: Reaction Fire is a type of shoot action and you cannot take a shoot action against a model adjacent to a Corporation trooper (including yourself). People sometimes get muddled up with Panic Fire, but the main reason Panic Fire is called something different is that different rules apply. Reaction Fire says that it uses all the normal rules apart from the fact that you can interrupt the other player’s turn. 

Q: Can a Corporation model shoot at a Veer-myn in an adjacent square using a shoot action instead of fighting with a movement action?

A: No.

He can either fight it in melee or Panic Fire against it or try to Break Off, all of which will cost a movement action.

D: The reasons for this are to encourage players to think more carefully about which action tokens to use and in what sequence. By grouping their functions it helps clarify the difference between the combat value of shoot actions (useful at a distance) and movement ones (useful up close), and understanding this makes it easier to plan your action token usage.

Q: Can a Corporation model shoot at a distant Veer-myn if there is another Veer-myn adjacent to him (the shooter)?

A: Yes.

D: It may seem odd at first that you can shoot at a distant model but not one close up, but I allow it for a number of reasons. Firstly, with long weapons like rifles, their sheer size makes them tricky to use close in. This is why real world assault troops such as SAS break in teams don’t use them. In Panic Fire you specifically step back to make room to use your weapon.

Shooting at someone some a distance away, attacking a friend, is easier in one sense because there is room to aim and point your weapon. Of course, you have to ignore the attacker breathing down your neck, but holding off a rampaging Veer-myn with one hand while pumping shots into another and thus saving your mate from certain death is a cinematic and heroic image which I thought fitted the Corporation elite of Unit 17 perfectly. As I tend to think of my games as movies first, it was inevitable that this sort of detail would sneak in.

If you have a question, please post it here and I’ll add it in 🙂

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64 Responses to Living FAQ: Project Pandora

  1. Stewart says:

    Could you provide some clarification on classifying Rooms and Corridors please?

    The section on Dark states: “Corridor tiles (including all 1 square wide accessways, corridor and junction tiles)”

    Does this mean that tiles classified as Corridors are limited to these tiles, or include these but also some others? Scenario one states that it is designed to teach you the core rules without using Toxic or Dark, implying that the former is correct and none of the tiles are Dark as they are all more than 1 square wide. However, it also says that the Veer-myn can come back regardless of where they were killed, implying that there is somewhere they could have come back anyway (i.e. a Dark tile).

    My understanding was that only 1 square wide tiles counted as Corridors, but a few people on the Mantic forum seem to think otherwise. If I am wrong, could you please clarify which tiles are Corridors? For example, the 3×2 tile could look like a small room or a corridor depending on its placement on the board.

    • Quirkworthy says:

      Your understanding is correct. The Corridor tiles are limited to the 1 square wide tiles you mention, including the junctions.

      However, any tile can be made Dark by the Veer-myn placing a Dark counter either as part of the scenario set up or during play. If a tile is Dark (whether “naturally” because it is a Corridor or because the Veer-myn have made it so by placing a counter) a Veer-myn that is “killed” on it can return later as per the Shadowbreed rule on page 12.

      Hope that helps.

      • curiso says:

        The wording has left some people in my gaming group puzzled. They argue the “including all 1 square wide accessways” part means that the squares off to the side of the pair of t-rooms are also dark ( ). Others argue that since they’re part of the room panel, they’re light.

        • Quirkworthy says:

          Tiles are defined as a whole – see page 10 of the rules. A tile can be either lit or dark: it can’t be part one thing and part another. Is it fair to describe a T-room tile as a “1 square wide accessway”? I’d say clearly not when you remember that we’re talking about the whole tile, not just a part of it.

          Hope that clears things up.

  2. curiso says:

    I’ve been playing quite a lot of this recently with fregular opponents as a pre-Epic warm up, and also more casual gamers. It’s really elegant to explain to newbies, and I’ve played one game against them and they can go off and teach a second player themself. The only difficulties come when we confuse it with Space Hulk or Incursion. I’m hoping it sells well enough to spawn a trilogy like DKH (I’m eager to play with Forge Fathers). I hear rumours there are rules for the Night Spawn coming?

    Question from one of my regular opponents is about Rush. Why does the Rush end when the Corporation target is killed? It feels a little artifical as the Veer-Myn would all be running at the Marine simultaneously rather than one-at-a-time. It can then be a little frustrating for the Veer-Myn if they kill the Marine immediately as they were wanting to have three rats in forward positions ready for the next action token. Can you not continue the Rush after the Marine dies so the second/third rats would be in positions adjacent to the corpse?

    • Quirkworthy says:

      You could play that as a House Rule if that’s what you like. I designed the game for you to have fun with, not to take as Holy Writ. I there’s something you think would be better if it was changed then change it!

      The original version of the rule allowed all 3 rats to move regardless of the outcome, but I ended up with the rule as it stands because I like the balance it brings. If the Veer-myn player is lucky to start with and kills the trooper in the first attack, then he suffers the downside of less movement. On the other hand, if he’s unlucky then he gets lots of moves and can reasonably expect to do something as the troopers can’t shoot at all 3 rats as they charge. I like the give and take of it, and that you can end up with both sides feeling that they did OK out of it.

      Whilst you might imagine all 3 Veer-myn moving simultaneously, we are already abstracting the whole combat into slices of time as turns. In reality, many things would be happening at once in this kind of frantic close combat. Whilst I understand where you’re coming from, I think moving all of them every time is less balanced and also it’s not really any less abstract anyway. The whole concept of turns is artificial, and we suspend our disbelief in the whole thing in order to get a game we can play without too much complication. As with all other aspects of game design, you have to choose which bits of the action you want to concentrate on and which to push the the background.

      Like I said, I won’t be at all upset if you want to make up some House Rules. In fact, I’d be intrigued to hear what you changed 🙂

  3. curiso says:

    Awesome. That was not the reply I was expecting.

    Imaginary Jake Reply: “It was a decision to keep things elegant. If you want to move rats after the Marine dies you’d have to add a line about treating the square still being occupied for the purposes of movement. And then you’d have to add another about the dead Marine blocking LoS for the purposes of reaction fire…”

    • Quirkworthy says:

      Well imaginary Jake is also correct. My main reason was balance though. An extra line of rules wouldn’t have killed anyone (though it would have been less elegant, as you say).

      All told it is a bit of a can or worms. If you decide to go with the extra line of rules approach then you are modelling a different abstraction of reality and will probably have to make other changes to remain consistent.

  4. gonzalo says:

    Hello! Great game, my congratulations. I just wanted to ask you this:
    There is a rat fighting two corporation men. The first men attacks, hits and makes the rat dodge.Can the rat go to a square adjacent to the other men and attack him (thus getting a free atack?)

    • Quirkworthy says:

      Thanks Gonzalo.

      The answer is no, the rat won’t get an attack when he dodges.

      The reason is the first sentence in the section on fighting on page 8: “A model can attack an enemy in close up, hand-to-claw combat only when it has a movement action spent on it.” Dodges happen in the opposing player’s turn as part of your opponent’s action, so a dodging model cannot have had a movement action spent on it and therefore cannot fight.


      That was wrong – rusty brain in the wrong game mode, as I said. The correct answer is that he will get an attack. The reason is that special rules override core ones, so Scurry overrides Fighting. In this case Scurry clearly states that a Scurrying or Dodging rat will get an attack if he moves adjacent.

      • Sean says:

        Hi Jake, really enjoying the game.

        Just to expand on this same point,:
        “A dodge from a shooting attack can be into any adjacent square that is not closer to the shooter. If this dodge is adjacent to an enemy model then the dodging model will attack it as normal.” (page 12, Scurry)

        Any chance you could just explain what is meant by ‘the dodging model will attack it as normal?’

        Many thanks

      • In the light of the above clarification, are we to assume that the rat fights his round of combat immediately, interrupting the Corp player’s turn?

  5. Lines says:

    Jip. I´ll jump in on that.
    My main two questions are:

    1, does a Corp get a free strike against a dodging vermin
    2, can a Vermin dodging to a square adjacent to a Corp perform a fight against this Corp (as the quote from page 12 suggests)

  6. Lines says:

    And here´s another one.

    When performing a move I can fight against a model.
    Can I also do so when I play move and shoot?
    So can a model performing a move and shoot
    – shoot at a model
    – move next to a model
    – fight against the model
    in the same turn?

  7. Frank says:

    May a Veer-myn change his facing while dodging ?

  8. Paul says:

    Can you just clarify – when a Veer-myn gets 1 damage,is it injured, or does it just dodge?

    (I was given a demo of the game at the UK games expo, and there I was told that they are injured AND dodge, but the rule book seems to say they just dodge,as far as I can see).

    • Quirkworthy says:

      Veer-myn are never injured – they either Dodge out of the way of the incoming attack, or they die.

      If they suffer a single point of damage from an attack then they may Dodge out of the way, thus avoiding it completely. However, if they cannot Dodge (for whatever reason – see page 12) then they die.

      In all cases, if a Veer-myn suffers 2 or more damage from a single attack then they are killed.

  9. Gonzalo says:

    when a order says shoot and move, can I choose the order? can I move and then shoot?

  10. Dknight says:

    Hello. When the scenario states that i’ve a Darkness Marker, the Veer-myn player can place it at any section he/she wants?

    Thanks in advance

    • Quirkworthy says:

      Yup. The bottom of page 13 tells you at what stage in the set up you place the Dark markers. There are no restrictions on which tile(s) you pick to make Dark.

      Playing the same scenario more than once with different placements can dramatically change the tactical landscape, and it’s well worth experimenting with different strategies.

  11. Paul Agapow says:

    So I’ve a few questions:

    Chem-throwers: do chem-throwers always reduce the targets armour by 1? Or is it only if they successfully hit the target (beat at least one of their dice), or successfully damage the target?

    (I’d reason they’d need to hit the target else you can snipe away armour from a distance where you couldn’t actually damage the target.)

    Chem-throwers (again): when is the armour reduction levied on the target: before damage is calculated or after the target is fully resolved?

    (For simplicity, after I’d guess)

    PCCW-11 Duster: this reduces enemy armour by 1. Permanently, or just for that attack?

    (Guessing for that attack)

    Dodging: can a figure dodge multiple attacks during the same turn?

    (It seems so, and saves you having to keep track of who’s dodged. The exception is Break-away where only one dodge is effective in the exchange.)

    Rush: can a figure rush a target, if it cannot reach it? e.g. a figure rushes from 8 squares away.

    (Don’t see why not, but maybe this creates a problem.)

    Reaction fire: seems to be missing a qualification that it can only be at figures in LOS and in front arc.

    (It seems it should be like other shooting.)

    Darkness: the “corridor” and “accessway” distinctions have been a little confusing. So a _tile_ that is a 1 square wide corridor is always dark?

    • Lines says:

      Reaction fire: seems to be missing a qualification that it can only be at figures in LOS and in front arc.

      On page 3 it says “works out his shot following the normal rules”, and the normal rules for fighting state that you need LOS and front arc.

    • On Armour Value Reductions:
      I’ve always treated effects that reduce a target’s Armour Value as being ‘only during the attack.’ So, when a Corporation Marine is shot by a Chem-thrower, his Armour value of 4 is now considered AV3 during that attack. Same for the Veer-myn when they get clobbered by Sgt.Cruise’s PCCW-11 “Duster” (Energy Gauntlet to those of us more familiar with the likes of Warpath or Deadzone).

      Mostly because I believe there would probably be counters to track Armour Reductions if they lingered, and because they’d be very very powerful options otherwise, and this seems to be the spirit of how things like Armour Piercing and Crushing Strength and the like work in Deadzone and Warpath, and it’s a lot easier than remembering how many times you zapped the same lucky Marine with a Chem-thrower or how many punches that Veer-myn took from Sgt Cruise.

      Dodging Multiple Times:
      As long as you’re being attacked, and only take one damage, you can Dodge, exceptions being listed under Dodge, like when there’s nowhere legal to Dodge to. After all, Dodge itself isn’t an action, it’s a Damage Table result. It may have no cap, but it’s balanced by the fact that sooner or later, the Marines will roll more than 2 damage against a Veer-myn or pigeon hole it so that it can’t Dodge, thus “killing” it with 1 damage.

      Rushing when you’re short of Movement:
      Judging by this sentence:
      “Start with one Veer-myn, and move it across the board so that it is adjacent to the nominated enemy.”

      I’d say you MUST be able to reach the Marine in order to use the Rush action, as the intent here is to be able to attack a Marine who is close enough, to at least the first Veer-myn starting the Rush action.

      Reaction Fire missing the qualification for the enemy to be in the firer’s Front Arc:
      As Lines says, you still need to be able to Shoot at a square to be able to Reaction Fire Action into it.

      Darkness Corridors and Room Tiles:
      Room Tiles are the ones that have at least one square where you can move a model one square both Orthogonally (directly up, down, left or right) and Diagonally (up-left, up-right, down-left, down-right) without leaving that same tile. So pretty much any tile with at least part of it that’s 2 squares wide by 2 squares long.

      Everything else is considered a Corridor Tile. Corridor Tiles are considered always Dark, unless a special rule (or indeed scenario/house rule) say different, such as having a Flare in that Corridor. Corridors can’t be Lit by Marine Special Actions, only Flares.

      Room Tiles tend to be the opposite way around. Lit until the Veer-myn slap a Dark Token on that Room, which can in be countered by the Marines turning the lights back on.

      • PikaRapH says:

        Good post !

        There is still some details to work : secenrio 2 need timer in my opinion to force Veer-Myn to move to the target.
        Isn’t Toxic too strong as it stays forever ?

        • mastertugunegb says:

          Toxic is indeed strong, but the Veer-myn in this scenario are only regular ray-gun toting types, so they need to be 1 Tile away from their target/tile at most for them to even attempt to slap down a Toxic counter. If a Marine can manage to get them in the Room Tiles when they kill them, without them turning the lights off first, then each kill counts for good. With only four Veer-myn models on the board max, that’s not that bad odds-wise.

          Frankly, I’d more worried about them attacking in Fight than shooting a Marine dead.

  12. agapow says:

    And one more: Can a unit move and fire and melee in the same turn? It seems a figure could fire at -1, move adjacent to enemy and melee). It could also melee, breakaway so it is no longer adjacent (suffering free attacks) and fire (again at -1). Could a figure do something like fire, move adjacent, melee and then panic fire? Or even just move adjacent, melee and panic fire?

    (There’s something that seems a little off in these last examples – you shouldn’t be able to move adjacent to an enemy then panic.)

    • Quirkworthy says:

      “Can a figure…”

      “…fire at -1, move adjacent to enemy and melee”


      “…melee, breakaway so it is no longer adjacent (suffering free attacks) and fire (again at -1).”

      Not normally. They could if they were Last Man Standing. Other than that, this move would need too many actions for a single turn (Move (to trigger the melee), Move (to Break Off), Fire).

      “…fire, move adjacent, melee and then panic fire?”

      Not normally. They could if they were Last Man Standing. Other than that, this move would need too many actions for a single turn (Fire, Move, Move).

      “…move adjacent, melee and panic fire?”


      Bear in mind that the term Panic Fire is simply a name for the game action, and need not actually be anything to do with a literal panic on the trooper’s part. It could as easily be part of a plan to sucker the enemy in close to distract him while a companion does something else. Think heroic and cinematic and I’m sure you can come up with a few examples of this sort of thing – the plucky hero putting themselves in harm’s way to buy some time for…

      • Lines says:

        “…move adjacent, melee and panic fire?”


        But this would need 2 movement actions, wouldn´t it?
        The melee ends the initial movement (“…and then fight if it ENDS his movement adjacent to…” p.3).
        And Panic fire requires a Movement action (“Spend a movement action on the model” p.11)

  13. freak0mator says:

    Two open questions:

    1. I read on the forum that “Scurry” can not be used to fight against enemies that are already adjacent. I dont find anything like this in the rulebook though, there is just says that “Scurry” is treated exactly as a normal movement. How is it supposed to be played ?

    2. There is still an open question from Lines:
    “can a Vermin dodging to a square adjacent to a Corp perform a fight against this Corp (as the quote from page 12 suggests)”

    • mastertugunegb says:

      1. IF this is indeed true, then it is likely because of the wording of Scurry. Scurry happens after all actions from the current Veer-myn Order Token have been completed, and lets you decide whether those remaining Veer-myn models want to move 1 space or not for free. It doesn’t say they’re getting a “free Move Action”, it says they “may move 1 square” which is likely not the same thing. So, following this logic, you’d be able to move 1 square and Fight if you weren’t already adjacent to a foe already, otherwise Scurry would be useless to you, cos you can’t choose instead to Break Off or Fight on the spot.

      2. As long as the Dodge rules let him be adjacent to that Marine, then by all means yes, Fight that Marine.

      • PikaRapH says:

        As I understand the rules, you can only attack when moving thanks to a movement action spent on it (page 8) –> movement action is obtained through Action tokens.
        Scurry comes after the action token has been resolved, so no fight allowed.

        Unlike Deadzone that permits to fight during the opponent’s turn, in Pandora that’s not possible : if you dodge an attack during your opponent’s turn you won’t fight even if you become adjacent to an opponent model.

        Page 12 only states that if you dodge from a reaction fire (it’s still your turn) you will be able to fight if you dodged and became adjacent to an oppoentn but your move will stop here no matter what (reaction fire ability).

        • mastertugunegb says:

          Actually when you read it in order, it mentions the bit about dodging adjacent to an enemy letting you attack it BEFORE the sentence about a forced dodge from Reaction Fire ending your current Move Action. These are separate sentences meaning separate rules (that can overlap if both prove true).

          So it is possible to dodge during the Marine turn and get an attack out of it. The bit about Reaction Fire is just if it happens to be your turn, stopping you cold in your little ratty tracks.

        • Pikaraph says:

          You’re right, I found Jake’s answer here :

          This gives Veer-Myn a strong advantage over Corporation : only Veer-Myn benefits from moving out of the use of action tokens and then get attack beyond normal move actions.

  14. Quirkworthy says:

    Thanks for all the questions guys. I think most of them are straightforward to deal with and are just a lack of clarity on my part rather than broken bits. If I’d had more space I think more examples would have helped. Perhaps that’s what I should put up here.

    Would that help?

    Unfortunately it’s going to be little while before I can get back to answer all these questions properly. You catch me with 2 big deadlines looming in the next 10 days, and neither of them are to do with Pandora, which means that my brain is in the wrong place to do definite answers to rules details.

    Do keep ’em coming though, and I’ll go through all of them as soon as I get a chance.

    Thanks for your time and your interest 🙂


    • agapow says:

      Sure thing Jake – when you get to it. I think some of them might be helped by examples (see my chemthrower questions). But others are a little more complicated – see my questions on move-fire. As I’ve been writing a rule summary for PP:GC, I’ve become aware of just how many of the mechanics are linked into different parts of the rules and other mechanics such that related things are in different places (e.g. actions to create or banish darkness, the effects of Dark, flares, Shdowbreed). I think this has created some of the confusion.

    • Lines says:

      This is really frustrating. No support from the publisher, no support on BGG and the designer doesn´t have time to answer to a question that has been postet weeks ago. And this is one that definately needs clarification.
      I stopped playing.
      Games like this usually have months of playtesting so I wonder why no one remembers and knows the answer to this? Jake, can´t you just have a look in your notes you made when creating the game?

  15. freak0mator says:

    Another basic quenstion:
    Some ppl dont allow killed Veer-Myn models to go into Reinforcement if they are killed with a CC dark, even if they are standing on a dark tile. So every Fighting Kill is a “confirmed” kill.

    I dont find this interpretation in the rules (perhaps im missing something), but it kinda makes sense….

    is it supposed to be played like that ? Or do Veer-Myn killed in CC in the dark also return as Reinforcements ?

    • agapow says:

      I came up against the same issue. The rulebook seems to say that if they’re killed in darkness (regardless of method) they can come back. On one hand, you could argue that it doesn’t make sense that a marine wouldn’t notice what happens to the corpse he just killed when it’s right next to him. On the other hand, his attention is probably somewhere else …

      • freak0mator says:

        The main problem i saw is that a lot of missions (like Knock, Knock) are pretty much unwinnable for the Corp if they cant get confirmed kills in dark tiles at all. The veer-myn could just stay in the dark corridors, where they are pretty much immortal, until they killed all corp marines with shooting attacks..

        • agapow says:

          Good point. Admittedly, the dark corridors swarming with VM is in genre, but I’m trying to think of what tactics you could use against them.

        • mastertugunegb says:

          Fortunately Knock Knock only has four rats in total Veer-myn model pool wise. If you manage to permanently kill 2 of them, then you only need to Reaction Fire kill the other two before the beginning of the Corp Marine turn, and it’s Corp Marine victory.

  16. lb says:

    Hi Jake,
    sorry for the unrelated question but are you going to open a similar section for FAQs about Siege Warfare in the last Kings of War rulebook? that would be great!

  17. Lines says:

    well, he doesn´t have time to answer questions posted 2 months ago, so I won´t expect much…

    • Quirkworthy says:

      Gosh, Lines has it been that long? I’m afraid it has.

      Well I can only apologise folks. I had intended to get back sooner, but you know how the best laid plans go 😦

      The really tricky bit here is that a combination of different questions you and others posed has illuminated a problem which seems to be a rock and a hard place coming together and without a clear solution.

      Rather than jump at the first option, I wanted to kick the tyres rather thoroughly because I don’t want to have to change the ruling once it’s done. I’m already going to have to make one change in the light of this. Probably. Anyway, it needs some more kicking about as I said, then I can post the full conundrum and my solution for discussion. I know that my head is not sufficiently focussed on this at present to be sure I was seeing all the angles.

      In reply to an earlier post of yours, Pandora did indeed go through a lot of playtesting, unfortunately the notes I took no longer exist and would be of little use in any case. Rules get modified and improved as the playtesting process winds along, so the notes from early games are not necessarily true after a few tweaks have modified the ground rules. After some confusions in the past, I have learned to bin old notes as soon as they have been incorporated into the live rules set, thus ensuring that I don’t get mixed up. As I may have mentioned in one of my articles, the designer is usually the most confused of all players as they know every version of the rules (plus any amendments, forthcoming supplements, etc), not only the one that was printed.

  18. Andy Parsons says:

    Hi Jake

    Any update? We just played our first games of Pandora tonight. How the heck do you win as the Corporation?!! We played “Knock, knock” and the Ver-Mynn just lurked in the dark corridors firing into the objective room until they got a Toxic effect, reducing the Marines shooting, attack and defence rolls. If the Marines shot the ramen, or went into the corridor to attack them, they just re- spawned!

    Nice looking game – I painted up 3 Marines and 6 Ver-Mynn (to play the first scenario) and they came out very nice – but I think something may have gone wrong here? The size of the tiles mean that it is very hard to place Marines in a position where they can get off shots before an enemy ends up adjacent, and once in hand-to-hand, particularly when injured and/or in a Toxic room they’re easy meat for the Ver-Mynn.



    • Andy Parsons says:

      I know everyone is busy with Dreadball (which I am very much looking forward to as a Striker! Subscriber :-)) but no response?

  19. Pikaraph says:

    Hi ! Dreadball is out… Now Project Pandora’s turn ! It would be great to give us an official ruling 😀

    Some fan ideas seem to be a good way to give some balancing. I will try to play this way for now.

  20. Andrew Parsons says:

    C’mom Jake – it’s got to be time to sort “Shadowbreed” out!

  21. PikaRapH says:

    I made a rules summary, you’ll find it at BGG ! It would be great if some people tell me if there are mistakes.
    Mr Thornton, if you have some time would you look at it ?

  22. Hello Jake! Three vexing Pandora questions to which I haven’t found an official answer.

    Q: Can a Veer-myn who begins his turn adjacent to a marine use Scurry to attack without otherwise having a movement order played on him? A literal reading of the rules (page 8 “If a model starts or moves into an adjacent square then it gets an attack as part of the same action.” and page 12 “A Scurry move is treated exactly as a normal movement…”) suggests that he does.

    Q: In what circumstances are the Chem-thrower’s effect of reducing the targets armour by 1 applied? Is it to every target that’s fired at, only to targets that are successfully hit, or only to targets that are successfully wounded? Also when is the armour reduction applied, during or after the resolution of the shot?

    Q: The same question may apply to the PCCW-11 ‘Duster’, or does its wielder just treat all enemies as having an armour value 1 step lower in close assault?

    • mastertugunegb says:

      1/ (About Scurry enabling you to attack someone already Adjacent to that Veer-myn) Probably not, see my reply to this same question from Freakomator above, but it’s only if the rumors of it not being possible are true.

      2/ (How does the Chem-Thrower Armour Value Reduction work?) I just treat it like Piercing/Crushing Strength in KoW and Warpath, as I mentioned above, as in, for that attack, treat the target’s Armour Value is being 1 less than normal.

      3/ (How does the PCCW-11’s Armour Value Reduction work?) Same here for the PCCW-11 as for the Chem-Thrower above.

      e.g. I hit your Night-Crawler with my PCCW-11… I only need to beat 2’s to injure or kill that Night-Crawler on this attack.

      If he survives that attack and I have a Marine shoot him with their laser rifle, the Marine needs to beat 3’s to injure or kill, as his weapon doesn’t reduce the Armour Value. Same if my Sergeant ends up shooting the same not yet dead Night-Crawler with his laser pistol on his next Turn.

      Reason for thinking it works this way is because Dwarf King’s Hold has similar Armour Value Reductions, but is probably worded slightly better, and if the Armour Reductions were “permanent” there would probably be some kind of tokens to assign to those hit by them, to help track the accumulative reductions, and there are not.

  23. PikaRapH says:

    new questions for me :

    – Say I have a model going to Reinforcements : when is he able to come back on the board ? Not till next turn or immediately ? (It would change some things for the last rat standing)

    – What happens when the last rat standing is dodging a reaction fire ? Must he stop his turn now or can he continue to play actions left ?

    Thanks for you help

    • mastertugunegb says:

      1/(Reinforcements and their availability) The rules say you can use a Move Action on a reinforcement during your turn, rather than stipulating ‘on your next turn’ or ‘not until your next turn’. Your only limit is how many Move Actions are left remaining on your current Order Token.

      2/(Last Rat Standing vs Reaction Fire Dodge) “If a model is forced to dodge during Reaction Fire then its movement for THAT ACTION is stopped after it dodges the one square.” As Last Man Standing lets the sole surviving model potentially use all the actions on a played Order Token, this means you finish the current action that Reaction Fire interrupted to force you to dodge, but can still use any remaining Actions left on the Order Token. If it happened to be the 4xMove Order Token, then that one remaining rat could conceivably survive the first two Moves (interrupted by two Reaction Fire attempts) and use the remaining two Move Actions to tear through the Marines or do whatever their scenario objective was.

      • mastertugunegb says:

        continuation of the answer to 1 above: -that and how many reinforcement models you have left to bring back on, of course.

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