Dreadfleet Review – First Game

Well I’ve given you my initial impressions on opening the box, and gone through building the ships. What happened when I got it on the table?

This is a review of the game rules and gameplay based on a single game of the first scenario which just uses one ship per side (though they are the flagships and there are also auxiliaries – small ships and monsters). I’ve arranged another game with all 10 ships in a few days and I’ll write that up too. Most of Dreadfleet’s scenarios play with more than one ship a side, so this was just to go through the rules and get our heads round it. Oh, and rather than stop when we should have done (when one ship has 8 damage on it) we carried on till one sank. Just call us bloodthirsty lunatics.


The ships are the best bit, I think. The seascape is nice too and may see service elsewhere. However, I’m not sure how well it will do with heavier vessels such as Spartan’s resin ships or my old metal historical ones. The seascape is very thin and light, and rucks up easily if its snagged.

I had a problem with my rulebook’s binding breaking (so it’s been replaced), but other than that it’s a pretty volume. I personally like a lot of John Blanche’s art, and this book has loads of it in. It’s very colourful and the rules are laid out well. Each rule section is kept to a spread or two; each ship and captain is described on a single spread; each scenario is on a single spread. There is an index as well as a contents age, so finding stuff was pretty easy during play. The rules are written clearly enough for the most part. About half the book is rules and half background.

The turning widget does its job, and the ruler is useful too. The design allows it to be fixed at 45 degrees t give arcs as well as distance, which is very helpful and a nice touch. The dice are off white (apart from one red) and felt slightly cheaper than their normal fare, though they are just D6 after all so that’s hardly a problem.

There are several decks of cards as well as a card for each ship and a card for each order (for each player). Apart from orders and ship cards, the cards are quite small, though not overly so. My only quibble with the cards is that they feel a little thin. Given the amount of punishment they take in a game I’m not sure how long they will last.

Quick Run Through of the Rules

Dreadfleet’s rules are fairly simple and there’s nothing particularly innovative to amaze or confuse. This is not a bad thing, just a thing. The game uses several decks of cards as well as dice and is very random. This is a style of game design that evens the playing field so that less skilled players can beat highly proficient players just by being lucky. Whilst this is always possible in theory, the closer to the lucky end of the luck-skill scale you go the less advantage a skilled player has. If you want a serious game then this is bad. If you want a silly and unpredictable game, or feel like giving your 10 year old a chance without deliberately throwing the game, then it’s all good.

The turn is split into several phases:

Status: effects that are still in play (mostly Fate cards) are rolled for. Most turns had one or more random effects to roll for.

Fate: both players draw and immediately resolve a Fate card. More random stuff, some of which was extremely potent. This also changes the wind direction and strength.

Action: players take turns doing stuff with their ships, one at a time. I use a ship, you use a ship, I use a ship, etc.

End: check to see if anybody’s won.



Status phases at the start of the game are quick, and as the game goes on more and more cards build up that need to be checked every turn. This is often roll a dice to see if it happens or goes away, then resolve the effect or not depending on the roll.

Fate phases produce random events that do things to one of the ships, usually bad, but occasionally useful.

The End phase is a nothing of a phase.

The Action phase is where the game really happens. When it’s your turn you pick a ship and then do the following steps in order:

Orders: the big ships with named captains (5 on each side) can try to issue an order. Make a command check (beat a score on 1D6) to do the order. 3 of the 5 modify movement; one is Repair; the last is sort of overwatch (get to shoot back if you are attacked).

Movement: Move and turn. If the wind is in your face you go slower, if behind you then it’s a boost. Turning is only allowed after a straight move of a set distance or more depending on your ship type. All normal stuff for naval games.

Broadside: a 90 degree arc to either flank, so pretty generous shooting opportunities. You can even carry on doing this whilst boarding people. Each ship has a Broadside value. Roll this number of dice and try to get 4+, 5+ or 6 depending on range (in 6 inch bands). A ship’s first broadside in the game gets it +1, and raking a ship (firing longways down it) gets a +1. That’s it for modifiers apart from odd things on Fate cards. If you hit the the target gets to roll for its armour save. Any unsaved hits get you a damage card to resolve. Damage cards are usually just a single loss of crew, speed, hull strength or some more problematical special or status effect. cards sit under the ship until it is repaired or the ship sinks.

Boarding: if you touch an enemy ship your movement stops and you have to fight a boarding action. A turn of boarding starts with a duel between captains. They roll their Swashbuckling number of dice, aiming for a 5+ on each to get a number of victories. The captain with the most victories wounds his opponent. In a draw both are wounded. Penalties apply to each step and after 4 wounds a captain retires to his bunk. His ship continues but he is no longer in play.

Once the captains have had their fun the crew have a go. This is the same process as with captains, but they use the remaining crew as a number of dice to roll and the loser takes the difference in damage for the ship, not just 1.

How Our Game Went

In the first scenario you start in opposite corners of the table with all the islands in the middle (in the way). I drew a Fate card that put a sea monster on the table, and I chose to place it directly in front of his ship. This meant that he couldn’t avoid hitting it. As he was playing Count Noctilis, he is able to control monsters in stead of using an order, so he tried this. When he passed the test he didn’t have to fight it, but after my turn we realised that he couldn’t do anything with the monster. The little ships and all monsters count as “auxiliaries”. This is a sub-type of warship that is the same as the big ones with a few exceptions. One of these stops it breaking off from such collisions. I re-read the rules several times looking for a way out, but it seems pretty clear. The sea monster couldn’t move, and the Reaver couldn’t sail through it. The Reaver could have tried to break off, but I’d just have moved the thing in again as I’d have got to act with it. In the end he got rid of it by fighting boarding actions against it. The I picked another monster on a Fate card and did exactly the same thing with that too, just before the first one died. Seemed rude not to.

While he was thrashing about with the sea monsters, having moved all of 1 inch in several turns, I had to sail across the whole board to get him in range. Sympathy please, gentlemen.

In the photo below my ship is just visible on the far left. The Reaver is off shot to the right.

Anyway, after I sailed across the whole board, we ended up fighting the battle pretty much in the corner where he started. I managed to open up with a raking shot and did some more damage to add to the lumps bitten out of him by the monsters. As he killed the second one and finally looked like making headway towards me the honours were not at all even. As you can see, he’s got 7 damage cards and I’ve got none. In the scenario you’re supposed to end when one ship has 8. I had taken some damage from all the fate cards that were thrown at me, but I’d been able to save or repair all of it. The Reaver, on the other hand, was holed below the waterliine and on fire.

We carried on after the point we should have stopped as we were learning, and putting the ships away doesn’t teach you much about the game. I pulled across his bows, firing more raking shots down the length of the Reaver, but mainly because I’d drawn a fate card that allowed me to turn the little cog auxilliary I carried into a bomb ship! That sounded too good to be true, so I weighed anchor to launch it safely. Then the Reaver rammed into my side, and we were off on a Boarding frenzy. For a number of reasons, we never managed to disentangle ourselves.

To start with we were happy fighting, and by the time we wanted to break free we were too scuppered to make it work. At this point the Reaver got pretty lucky and managed to avoid almost all of the extra damage it should have taken from the waterline damage and fires. My ship, on the other hand, was taking damage like it was going out of fashion. I was, at several points, a single card away from sinking. As the fight went on, both captains went out of action. Then, finally, I managed to sink the Reaver. We were both very battered. So battered, in fact, that when the Reaver finally went down the two ships had something like 33 of the 55 available damage cards between them. I do wonder whether there are enough for the other 8 ships in the game. The final state of the ships was as follows:


Pro: it was fairly entertaining.

Pro: I think the ship models are nice and will paint up well.

Pro: everything you need to play is in the box. We used nothing else and were fine. Even the plastic ruler did the job.

Con: The game is a massive space hog. The boards the seascape is laid out on are 6×4 foot exactly. You can see that there’s not much room left and this was with only 2 of the 10 ships. We both thought that all 10 ships were going to be a bit cramped. Nor can you push the edge of the map off to make more card space as you need the yellow edge to track the wind direction.

Con: the wind moved about so much that you couldn’t really plan your movements with any confidence. Again, the random nature of the game.

Con: the random events will become repetitive fairly quickly. The card decks are fairly small and cycle quickly. You draw so many you’ll see all the cards again and again.

Con: the cards are not terribly sturdy and I question whether they’ll stand up to repeated play. The rules require you to go through the decks repeatedly. Much shuffling is needed; more with more ships.

Note: In case anyone has not realised, this is a miniatures game, not a board game. It just happens to come in a box.

Note: random, random, random. Whilst skill will still come through, you will find yourself winning and losing through blind luck more than you may be used to. Whether this is a good thing or a bad one depends on your preference.

Note: mind the mat rucking up. I assembled everything with clippers alone to see if I could. Before my bigger game I want to clean up the underneath of the bases so that the tiny, sharp little remainders don’t catch on the fabric and drag it along (as it did occasionally this time).


At present, it seems to me like an OK game, but not a great one. I’m not convinced it is worth the price. I was going to get a second copy to keep for trading, but I’ve cancelled this. It is not a sufficiently good game to be tempting collectors with in the future.

I’m not yet convinced that it’s worth the effort of painting the models. There’s lots to do and as they’re all different it’ll take longer than painting coherent fleets. However, it would look loads better with painted fleets and they would be fun to do. After we’ve played a game or two at the full size (if we can fit it on the table) then I’ll decide. I expect I will probably keep it for the moment and see if I get more use out of it.

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46 Responses to Dreadfleet Review – First Game

  1. Da Mighty Girth says:

    I agree about many of your points cheap cards, badly bond book and flimsy board (mat cloth thingy) on the bad side but game mechanics look fun (yet to play) and models that really impressed with GW does this part of game design so well! A bit random for my tastes to really get my teeth into but as a beer
    and pretzel evening of piratty goodness I’d give it a B- not the worst game Ive ever seen but
    Blood Bowl it aint!

    • Quirkworthy says:

      As I said, an OK game. I may like it more when I’ve tried it with 5 ships a side. I certainly expect that to be a lot more hectic, and that sounds like a lot more fun. Also, I forgot to mention that the game includes 12 scenarios, which is really good. Lots more to do than simply blatting away at the foe.

      • Da Mighty Girth says:

        I forgot to sk about your sea monster fun(?) can they not move as their own ship ie at the end of the action phase once all ships have moved? If the Count has it under his control he just moves it as one of his fleet? It’s not a ship so therefore doesnt need to escape jeopardy to move? This was explained in the rulebook, fairly badly I may add, on the section about ships at the start of the rules and the rules for auxiliaries?

      • Quirkworthy says:

        I worked it out from these sections:

        Page 29: “Colliding Warships… The two models stay locked in place until one or the other escapes jeopardy or is removed from play.”
        Page 42: “auxiliaries follow all the normal rules for warships, with the following exceptions… auxiliaries cannot escape jeopardy.”
        Page 43: “sea monsters are auxiliaries”

        Combining those you get to the stage that auxiliaries can only get away from another ship they have collided with if they sink. This does leave you with the odd situation that if two auxiliaries from the same side collide they cannot move apart. Sounds silly, but I can’t see how else to apply these rules.

        You can dock auxiliaries with a friendly (big) ship they are in contact with (page 43). However sea monsters are specifically disallowed from doing this (page 43), so that doesn’t help either. Nor does it deal with the problem of two friendly auxiliaries bumping into each other. Presumably you’d have to go up to them with a big ship and dock one of them.

  2. Ethelie says:

    Will be interesting to try this one out. I mainly ordered one for the ships though, I just could not deny how wonderful they would look cruising around my bookshelf 😉

  3. Grimmeth says:

    This now begs the obvious question, and I do understand that the two systems are aimed at different markets – but they are both accessible naval games:
    Dreadfleet vs Dystopian Wars (or Uncharted Seas would be a closer guess I’d imagine, but from what I can gather the rules are similar) – which would you recommend of the two?

    • Quirkworthy says:

      I haven’t played Uncharted seas, but I have played DW. so my comments are based on that. I’m told the game systems are the same (basically) for all the Spartan games so they may apply.

      I’d recommend different ones for different people. Here’s why.

      Theme: if you’re already steeped in the Warhammer universe and play their other games, then you might be better with DF as you’ll get the references and the story will have more resonance. Conversely, if you hate GW and their backgrounds, then just steer clear. DF is not a generic product, maybe you’d be better with DW/US.

      Cost: DF is £70. DW will cost you about £15 for the rules, £60 for two starter fleets and then you still need dice, ruler and terrain to be in the same place. For DF that would give you a battleship, two cruisers and 6 frigates a side, which is roughly comparable to 5 large ships and 5 auxiliaries per side. DF is an easy purchase for about the same (or less) cost, BUT with DW/US you get to pick your fleets from a selection.

      Game “level”: they are quite different games. DW is much more competitive and “serious” in the sense that it is more skill and less luck based DF is probably better to play with younger people, though the ships won’t take being bashed about. DF is perhaps more “beer & pretzels”, silly and luck based. It tells an amusing story and would probably be fun if you played it with, say, 4 or 5 of the right crowd and just divvied up the ships between them.

      Replayability: DF is self contained and I wouldn’t expect expansions. DW/US are open ended games with fleet lists for you to tailor and finesse as you learn the tactics. Whilst you may revisit DF every now and again for a quick bash, DW/US is more of a game you get into and invest time in building and shaping your fleet and tactics.

      So which one is best? You may want both or neither. It depends on where you sit in terms of your likely gaming partners, your interest in collecting and painting fleets, and whether you’re after a game system or just something to play on a wet weekend.

      • Grimmeth says:

        Wow, that’s a much more comprehensive write-up than I expected – Thanks Jake! 🙂
        I think I’m personally going to hold off on DF (how random it is will just frustrate me after a game or two I think) and focus on something else, quite possible DW.
        That said, my opinion may change by tomorrow, if anything I’m fickle 🙂

      • Hat to correct you but there is alittle bit more in the starters.
        > One Battleship, three Cruisers, nine Frigates, 10 Tiny Flyers, 2 Bombers + acrylic stands and all the markers and templates. (Naval)
        > One Landship, six Medium Tanks, ten Tiny Tanks, 3 Bombards and all the markers and templates. (Land)

      • Quirkworthy says:

        @Grimmeth – you’re welcome. Everyone’s allowed to change their minds.

        @Andre – quite right, my bad. Thanks for the correction. I’d relied on fuzzy memory rather than checking on things, which was foolish. So, more ships with DW, but still need the board and terrain, so it’s sort of even honours, I’d say. Not that simple finance is what I think you should be deciding on. They’re quite different games, and there are probably more important things to be picking between than the model count on its own.

  4. The flagships definitely seem to take a lot of damage before going down – but I noticed that none of the scenarios (at least at a skim) involve destroying one another. They’re all on timers where after (normally) 6 turns there’s a winner or a loser. Which makes me think that complete ship elimination isn’t going to be a major part of the game and the majority of each side’s ships are going to be in play at the end of each game.

    Of course, that’s just a gut feeling. Will be interesting to see.

    (It is random, but I didn’t actually hit any of the fate cards that changed the wind’s direction when playing through the first game)


    • Quirkworthy says:

      Read page 23 on resolving Fate cards, the bottom left bit. The wind direction changes with every Fate card. After you do whatever the text says, you move the direction marker around the board the number of steps shown at the bottom. Then the other player draws his Fate card and does the same. Wind strength is whatever is shown on the top card of the Fate discard deck, so that changes frequently too. The wind moves every turn.

      Looking at the scenarios, a couple involve moving off a particular edge, some need one side to sink a specific vessel, and several more are won by the player who causes the most damage to the enemy fleet as a whole. Scenario 8 requires you to reduce an enemy fleet from 5 to 2 to win. You are right about the ships not having to be sunk all the time, though it’s certainly an objective in some scenarios and may be the de facto way to get the others done. We’ll have to play all of them to find out 🙂

      • Heh. You hit the rule I missed. I admit, I was wondering what that symbol was for in a “I must be missing something here”. I had got the wind speed on the fate deck, but missed the wind change. Thanks!

        Re: Battles. Oh, definitely. But Scenario 8 is the only one which is actually about damaging to destruction and an endless game. What I mean that it’s not a game where the ships are going to be necessarily standing head to head and pounding one another until one or the other sink. But I’ll see as I play more, I guess.

        Oh – regarding a con you picked up, there’s only going to be 12 fate cards in most games. In any game with a timer – i.e. 9 of the 12 – the deck is never going to loop.


      • Quirkworthy says:

        We did have a slightly unusual instance in that the Fate card that makes you go through 2D6 each per turn stayed for 3 turns. I haven’t got them to hand to see whether there are any more that do this.

        On the subject of many reshufflling cards, I was more concerned about the damage deck than the Fate deck (though ours did loop in this game – just). Because the game uses the cards as damage counters, if a rule says you take a specific type of damage (hull, speed, etc) then you have to flip damage cards till you get the right one and discard the rest. This eats through the deck quite quickly.

      • Oof. Didn’t get that Fate card. Interesting.
        And yeah – I agree on the amount of Damage Cards possibly being a problem, which is why I was wondering whether that would be mitigated by the limited times on the game, etc. We’ll know soon enough.

      • Quirkworthy says:

        Oh, and re-reading that, it’s worth saying that you don’t actually resolve all of those 2D6, just all the spells you find.

        And we will indeed. Possibly thursday for a big game.

  5. etienne says:

    How long was the game?

    • Quirkworthy says:

      It’s hard to say. We were being fairly casual, and we also played to a sinking instead of 8 damage. I’d guess that this first scenario would take about an hour for beginners, and less for veterans. Other scenarios generally look rather longer.

  6. Sam Dale says:

    I’ve just seen the models on the sprues, and they look lovely.

    I’ve got a pile of Man’o’war stuff still kicking around, so combine this with those, maybe add in some stuff by other manufacturers, and find a universal fantasy ships system to use (or write one (or rewrite Man’o’war)), and job’s a good ‘un.

    • Quirkworthy says:

      Sounds like a load of work for you there 🙂

      I think the old MOW stuff’s going to look pretty weedy and rather second rate compared to this, though you might get away with the Dwarfs. Spartan stuff would look odd next to it because theirs is so solid, and these are much more airy (in some cases see-through). Of course, that’s aesthetics, so you may disagree (go on, I’ll let you).

      • Sam Dale says:

        Depends on the specific models and how they’re painted. Just seen some comparison shots, and the MoW stuff and DF stuff is going to look ok together, so long as the painting and basing are of the same standard.

        I’m happy that the mechanical Kraken’s going to look pretty good with the Chaos Dwarf fleet, for instance, as is the Empire and High Elf ships with their respective fleets.

        Spartan would look a bit odd, because of their particular aesthetic, but we shall see what happens when their new stuff rolls out.

      • Quirkworthy says:

        I’ve not seen any comparisons yet. Care to share some links?

      • Sam Dale says:

        Let’s try that again, but with some text in the post as well:

      • Sam Dale says:

        Ah. Pics of the capital ships and the new DF ships have gone up as well now, and the new DF ships are generally notably larger than the man’o’wars.

        They’d still make really good fleet flagships tho.

        I want to get my mitts on just the sprues, dagnabbit…

      • Quirkworthy says:

        Me too. That would be fun.

  7. Pete W says:

    Thanks for the review and thoughts on this. I ordered the game yesterday since a self-contained gaming experience for an hour or so at at time is a lot more suited to my schedule (I’m a new English as a Foreign Language teacher) than my regular fun with 40k. Since I play Deathwing, this will also give me a variety of painting styles and colours to try out.

    I’m tempted to move into Dystopian Wars for sure and I think that the gaming mat and terrain on offer here will look nice when playing a game or two with those models. In that sense I’ll take this game as having aspects that can be considered longer term investments.


    • Quirkworthy says:

      I was thinking that the seascape had a certain DW appeal, though I’ve not yet tried it out with those ships. You’ll need to adapt the way you move stuff to avoid it rucking up, and you might need to take a fine sandpaper to the edges underneath to lose any residual snags. I’m sure it’ll be usable though, and it’s a very pretty playing surface.

      • Da Mighty Girth says:

        That part of the reason that I bought it the board (mat, cloth thingy) will be perfect for DW/US OR anyother sea based game!
        BTW that rule about sea monsters is correct but I think that friendly auxalliaries should be able to move away freely. That maybe the way to sort out a bit of a crappy rule. What do you think?

      • Quirkworthy says:

        Having re-read the rules, I think what we’ve been saying is correct, but that in reality you will almost never end up with two friendly auxiliaries touching (they are too maneuverable). If a friendly auxiliary is touching a big warship then the big one should be able to use the “escape jeopardy” rule and move away like that.

  8. Rich_B says:

    Kind of tempted to pick this up as a stand alone game although the space required is a bit off-putting, as is it’s “neither fish nor fowl” status between a wargame and a boardgame. As a big Man O War fan I like the ships but it irks me it’s a one-off.

    On the whole I wish they’d rereleased Blood Bowl and a whole range of new plastic teams.

    It just seems like slightly the wrong product at the wrong time to me…

    Mind you I could probably sum this up better with a bit more sleep and less packing X-D

    • Quirkworthy says:

      It’s not a board game at all; it’s an unexpandable tabletop miniatures game in a box, which is entirely different 😉

      I think it’s BB’s 25th anniversary in a couple of years, so they’re probably waiting for that (if they’re ever going to do it at all). But actually, I don’t think BB needs the treatment. BB’s rules have been finessed to within an inch of their lives, and there are loads of fantasy football teams out there that are really good. BB is a GW game, but you don’t need GW for the models any more.

      Personally I’d have done WHQ (without the RP phone directory).

      • DrBargle says:

        No, you need the big thick roleplay book! Otherwise its just Heroquest with a few bolt-ons. The roleplay book reminded me of one of the very old school way in which ‘between adventure’ was handled – Gary Gygax’s carousing rules, En Garde!, and, from what I’ve read of it, Dave Millward’s ‘Heroes’.

      • Quirkworthy says:

        But for a stand-alone game in this vein I think it’s overkill, not to mention the extra it would add to the cost.

      • Grimmeth says:

        Apparently there are Blood Bowl plans for next year, however when is a different matter.
        With Warhammer 40,000 6th edition all but confirmed, The Hobbit (licence has been granted and bound to be released next year to coincide with all the hype of the films) and Blood Bowl it would be a rather busy year…

      • Quirkworthy says:

        Full of fun and frolics 🙂

  9. lordofexcess says:

    Glad I didn’t buy in … looks like another quick cash grab from GW … they know they could put dog crap in a box and their fanboys would snatch it up like it was gold. The minis look good … but not for 115 bucks. That is basically a full buy in (including rules, high quality play mat) for Spartan Games stuff.

    • Quirkworthy says:

      You’re right – it’s a similar financial outlay for DF and a pair of Spartan starters + rules. But this is really not a straight comparison as DF and Dystopian Wars (or Uncharted Seas) appeal to different (though overlapping) groups.

      DF is all you need in one box, and is easy from that viewpoint. It’s also a more light, beer and pretzels game, and therefore possibly a better game for younger gamers and silly club nights (and the ships are big and resilient enough in game for you to be able to have several players per side and have a ship or two each – you’d not get knocked out too quickly). DF also has the Warhammeryness that many people obviously enjoy.

      The Spartan Games offerings are games to be taken a little more seriously in terms of game play style, and involve a whole aspect of choosing, collecting, and finessing of fleet and tactics that is absent from DF. On the tabletop they contain less randomness (though the “exploding dice” mechanic has its moments).

      They tick different boxes. Neither type of game is inherently better or worse, just more or less appropriate to an individual gamer. One could also include things like Ainsty’s lovely new 28mm scale pirate ship as a nautical gaming piece that costs about £70, but again it’s not a direct comparison 🙂

    • bouvier says:

      Golly. How bitter you are! I’d hate to be trapped in a lift with you.

    • Nazrat says:

      But I don’t think they’ve EVER put “dog crap in a box” as you so crudely put it. You may not like their designs, but GW has always seemed to put out quality products. I rarely buy them any more but I still look at them and what I see looks damn good (albeit pricey). Just because you don’t want their products any more doesn’t make anybody who does a “fanboy”. Perhaps you need to head over to TMP where the less objective pitchfork and torch “somebody get a rope!” GW haters hang out. You’d be right at home there! 8)=

      Dreadfleet is worth every penny for the models alone. If you were paying ten bucks a ship (and the original Man o’ War stuff was about that for the big vessels and these are MUCH nicer) then the box would come out to a hundred bucks WITHOUT the mat, the scenery, the auxiliaries, the monsters, the cards, and the rule book. My local store gave me a $30 discount on it too for frequent buyer points so I REALLY got a deal! No regrets here at all.

      If you don’t want Dreadfleet then please, buy and enjoy Distopian Wars. But don’t try to tell the rest of us that DF isn’t any good or not worth the cash. You’d be wrong.

      • Quirkworthy says:

        OK, enough.

        Like you said, there are plenty of places on the net for people to go and trade insults if that’s what floats their boat (so to speak). Please do not be tempted to descend into that here.

        Lordofexcess has a point, though he puts it crudely. GW can sell on their name and brand alone, true, but he has forgotten that they can only do that because they have built that brand so that (some) people trust it. Apple also have loyal followers who buy their products blind, as do many other gaming and non-gaming companies, both large and small. Does this make them all bad? I design games and have been told by some people that they bought my latest offering just because it was by me and they knew it would be good because of that. Does that make me bad, or in some way exploiting folk? I don’t think so. I think it means that I try my best and produce something that I think is fun. Other folk that are on a similar wavelength may agree, and over time they learn to expect something that is likely to suit them. This is true in mobile phones, restaurants, films and everything else – you learn that certain people produce stuff that you like. Gaming is no different.

        Personally, I agree that DF ships are well made and that there are many good points about it. I do, however, feel that it is a little overpriced (but only a little). That said, GW is not ripping people off here. Problems with my rulebook aside, they provide a good quality product for a price that is at the higher end of the spectrum (though by no means at the top). If you don’t want to pay that price, then don’t. There are many other games to choose from.

  10. Pingback: Des bateaux partout « Grarduck et les jeux

  11. Pingback: Dreadfleet Review 2 – More Ships, More Battles | quirkworthy

  12. Admiral Ferret says:

    Really awesome game, I thought.. Me and my brother bought it for my dad about two years ago.. me and my dad still play it, and while the cards are repetitive, we love the realism and the randomness of the game. Really nice for strategic thinking.. The rules allow for a game to be as long or short as you want it to be (a free-for-all could take a long time), but objective game formats (included in the book) can be made to turn-lengths (ends on turn 6, etc.).. The story line and campaigns are a very nice touch. The price is high, but as a long-time Warhammer player, I wasn’t as shocked as some people might be.

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