Still Alive

Hi folks. I’m still here.

It’s been a long time since I last posted, and some of you are rightly wondering what’s going on. Well, it’s nothing to do with any problems with the games. Let’s get that straight to start with. In fact, I was wondering quite what to post here as I like to try and keep Q focussed on gaming. However, as my personal life has impinged so much, I feel like it’s only fair to give you the thruppenny tour.

Executive summary: normal(ish) service should be resumed over the next week.

Detail: as a few of you will know, my wife is very ill and I am, among other things, her carer. Over the last few years she has been diagnosed with two separate conditions, either of which would class her as disabled. Unfortunately, the synergy between them makes both even worse.

I often say I’m busy because I’m balancing a full time job with looking after her, and most of the time this works out OK. It’s been the case while I designed GoB, DKH, PP, DB, MA, DZ, and so on, so it doesn’t normally stop me getting things done.

Unfortunately, about a month ago, she took a turn for the much worse. Now while she is not expected to get better overall, she wasn’t expected to get worse like this, and so it was an unpleasant surprise all round. It has taken this long to get things back under any sort of control. I’ve put off mentioning this as this will be the third time I think we’ve got a handle on it, though this time I think it’s actually going to stick.

Assuming I’m right (and I think I am), this means that I’ll be back to what passes for normal over the next week or so. However, while I’ve been quiet things have been ticking along in the background. We’ve got some more logistical support sorted and I’ve been working on some experimental rules for DB and tentatively for DZ too. I saw a printed box and most of the final components for Mars Attacks yesterday, and it’s looking very shiny indeed. There’re one or two bits still to come, but it can’t be far off now. The models for DKH4 are also looking great. I saw them all ranked up as a set and they look fab en masse. I’ve also been buying new toys as a form of retail therapy, and have a lot of articles and reviews written in my head. So expect an outpouring of words and pictures over the next few weeks/months.

I’m sorry to leave you guys hanging for so long. I’ve been so busy dealing with what was in front of me and trying to keep up with work that I’ve not really had the mental space to work out what to say here. Even now I’m not sure you want to know all this. It’s stressful and unpleasant for me, but you came here to chill and read about games. So I’ll shut up now and just get on with it 😉

All the best


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38 Responses to Still Alive

  1. Wiccabloke says:

    I can sympathise with your situation, I really can. No one will blame you for taking the time out to help your wife. I hope things are more settled for you now. Take care.

  2. Seb says:

    There are priorities in life, and your wife is clearly the number one priority!
    I wish you all the best things for both of you and know that you are all supported.
    You already realize so many things for us, that we can’t blame you for anything! ^_^
    Take care of you and your family.

  3. Ludo says:

    There are more important things in life than keeping us entertained…

  4. PikaRapH says:

    Take care of your family, that’s the most important !
    I think everybody is able to understand this.

  5. billops says:

    wish you the best.

  6. sho3box says:

    My genuine sympathies Jake.

  7. Baragash says:

    Best wishes Jake

  8. thedauntless says:

    As Ludo and Seb have already said, Jake- you do so much that we support and are very grateful for-looking after a far worthier priority is easy to support too-my best,warmest wishes and thoughts to you both,

  9. joe says:

    Remember to take care of yourself, so you can take care of her. I been in your shoes and I know it is easy to forget about taking care of your self. Not doing so leads to burnout.


  10. Brandon says:

    All the best to you and your wife

  11. Tyr says:

    Dont worry about us. Your wife is a lot more important. Hope it’ll all work out though, good luck! 🙂

  12. redfox4242 says:

    I am wishing good health and happiness to you and your family.

  13. theearthdragon says:

    Hang in there Jake!!

  14. Teemu Hemminki says:

    Truly sad to hear about this and my condolences on the situation. Have to say that your devotion to her is inspiring. By any means DO NOT push yourself to give us content here.
    I can’t cast “Cure Disease”, but I remember your family in my prayers.

  15. Sean Clark says:

    Hi Jake….Like many I am sure, I was wondering where you had got to! Very sorry to hear about your wife and I really wish you both all the best. There is more to life than toy soldiers so take care of what matters most! Interestingly, me and my mates were playing a game of EpicA last night and flicking through I caught a picture of a ponytailed version of yourself with Gav Thorpe and Robin Dews which inspired me to take a look here tonight to see if there was anything new.


  16. jgoldenf says:

    Hey Jake, don’t sweat it. Take care of your family and fill is in when you can. Best of luck and wishes.

  17. jgoldenf says:

    +1 to what everyone else said. Take care and best of luck to you and your wife.

  18. Aaron Hunt says:

    Jake, while this blog is obviously related to your job, it’s also more. This is an outlet and a release for you. You could just as easily provide the FAQs and such on Mantic’s website. The point, belatedly, is that you will post when it is good for you to do so, and we will be happy to see you back, but of course the real world will take priority.

    Helping those who need us, giving of ourselves for the sake of love is the noblest thing a human can do for another; but that doesn’t mean you can give all. We all need an outlet. When the time is right we seek that outlet and spend some time for ourselves. That you choose to share that time with us makes what you do here mean that much more to me.

    Good luck, chin up and thank you.

  19. Quirkworthy says:

    Thanks guys. It’s really heart-warming to read all your comments 🙂

  20. Jim says:

    I’ll just echo what everyone else has said… and of course you have my sympathy too.

    Wargamers are human and do understand when life bowls someone a foul ball and indeed want to contribute to being within the much wider support network we all need to draw upon at times like these.

    Unfortunately also there is the propensity for folk to make things up where knowledge is missing too; the less favourable side of humanity. So dropping a post to let us know what is happening, as hard as that may have been, is appreciated too.

    So having done that, go and do what needs doing, we’ll still be around when things settle down. 🙂

  21. Paboook says:

    It is hard to add anything to the words above. Best wishes to you and your family, Jake!

  22. Gareth says:

    Let me add my sympathies to those expressed above also.

  23. nathan payne says:

    Wishing you both better times ahead… take care and go steady mate.

  24. wachinayn says:

    What’s really important is that both of you’re OK. I hope your wife’s condition get’s better. You’ve my sympathies.

  25. Best wishes to you and your wife, Jake. Post whenever you feel like it and The Dreaded Real Life allows.

  26. Rob Saunders says:

    Sending you lots of love Jake!!

  27. Daron says:

    Very sorry to hear of these trials. Prayers and best wishes for you and your wife.

  28. Koltoroc says:

    You have my sincere sympathies as well. Since I suffer from some chronic illnesses as well, I can relate way more to your situation then I would like to.

    You have my best wishes for you and your wife and i hope you can manage to get her condition under control.

  29. Tony Hooper says:

    Thoughts and prayers for the both of you.

  30. James 'Maz' Marsden says:


    You obviously have much, much more imprtant things going on. Take your time, do what you need to do.

    All the best to you and your good lady

  31. bacms2 says:

    Sorry to hear that Jake. Hope things do improve and all the best for both of you

  32. Kai says:

    I’ll repeat what I said on Saturday – was really good to see you, I’m really sorry this is all going on, and if there’s *anything* I can do to help, shout.

  33. jack says:

    prayers all around for you guys. Nothing more important than family.

  34. E r 1 c k B 0 u c h 4 r d says:

    May God bless your wife and yourself, and lend you the strength to carry on throughout these hard times.

  35. Paul Jones says:

    take care and all the best to u and your wife

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  37. VaultAge says:

    Apologies accepted captain needa. On a more serious tone, no one will blame you for prioritizing wife and family matters over your blog fan base. Even if you consider blogging is part of your job duty as a game designer, i hope you will always do it that way.
    Take care of yourself and your family.

  38. Chris Richardson says:

    I missed this post previously and now i understand the silence. I hope things improve and we hear from you again soon.

    Best Wishes!

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